Bio-Rad launched its first-ever Learning Academy this year as a resource for employees to explore and enhance critical skill sets that support their career aspirations and our top company goals. In this video, Diane Dahowski, EVP, Global Supply Chain, discusses the importance of the skill track “Continuous Improvement,” a foundational skill taught in the Learning Academy.
Our newly launched Bio-Rad Learning Academy was designed to help employees explore and enhance critical skill sets that support their career goals as well as our top company goals. In this video, Simon May, executive vice president and president of Bio-Rad's Life Science Group, discusses the importance of "Presentation Skills," a foundational skill set taught in the Learning Academy.
In our ongoing commitment to the growth and development of our employees, Bio-Rad is proud to announce the launch of the new Global Bio-Rad Learning Academy. The Learning Academy was designed to help our 7,900+ employees explore and enhance the most critical skill sets that support their career aspirations and our top company goals.
To strengthen our program, we collaborated with expert consultants and cross-functional teams within Bio-Rad to ensure that our learning content is relevant and beneficial for employees at every level of our organization. This provides an opportunity for our employees to plan and customize their individual development journeys.
As Bio-Rad continues to adapt to an increasingly virtual workplace, the Learning Academy offers our employees a robust collection of learning resources that can be accessed from anywhere at any time. In addition to self-paced eLearning content, the Learning Academy also features virtual, instructor-led courses so that our employees can still enjoy the benefits of real-time, peer-to-peer interaction and feedback.
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