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Bio-Rad 的管理

Bio-Rad 的领导层和项目/计划管理团队负责阐明我们的愿景,并帮助定义、规划和执行关键优先事项和目标。通过周到的领导和与不同业务部门同事的合作,我们帮助推动项目、计划和团队成果,执行我们的战略,并改变 Bio-Rad 应对新挑战的方式。我们很自豪能够为 Bio-Rad 的使命做出有意义的贡献,同时战略性地管理资源并帮助我们的员工在蓬勃发展和支持性的环境中成长和发展。

Kim 谈论了 Bio-Rad 独特的公司文化、我们的创新产品套件以及各种成长机会。

Deanna 讲述了她从 Bio-Rad 暑期实习生到全球战略客户经理的历程。


标题 工作重要性 工作类型 法人实体 申请编号 城市 状态 国家 地点 部门 类别 概括 雇佣类型 等级
GSC Lean/Continuous Improvement Manager III Hot Job 必备(现场) 2024-34279 Richmond California United States Richmond, California, United States 管理 Drive business performance by using, promoting, and executing Lean Operational Excellence tools, processes, and concepts. Utilizes Lean to determine what, why and measure how well its executing, and drive a continuous cycle of change and improveme...
Global Service Enablement Manager 远程 2024-34914 California United States California, United States 管理 Bio-Rad’s Global Commercial Operations (GCO) Commercial Effectiveness team strives to equip commercial employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities for their role to empower them to drive business results.  The Global Service Enablement Man...
Global Sales Enablement Manager 远程 2024-34944 California United States California, United States 管理 Bio-Rad’s Global Commercial Operations (GCO) Commercial Effectiveness team strives to equip commercial employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities for their role to empower them to drive business results. The Global Sales Enablement Manage...



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Person, Clothing, Apparel, Jacket, Coat, Man



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