Adult, Male, Man, Person, Laptop, Monitor, Face, Head, Computer Keyboard, Mobile Phone

Bio-Rad 的 IT 部門

Bio-Rad 的資訊技術團隊使我們的組織作為一個整體能夠透過創新和高效地利用技術來實現其目標。我們提供可靠、安全且可擴展的解決方案,為員工提供支援並促進跨團隊和職能部門的協作。我們的目標是成為推動成長和不斷改進流程的策略合作夥伴。透過保持技術進步的最前沿,我們推動數位轉型,並為我們的客戶和利害關係人提供持續的價值。

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Security Architect - SOC and Incident Response 遠程 中層 2024-35087 California United States California, United States IT We are currently seeking a SOC and Incident response consultant to join our Global information Security Team! We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about security, a self-starter and thrives in a collaborative environment.  The ideal c...
BSA, Sr Staff 遠程 中層 2025-35900 Remote India Remote, India IT Bio-Rad is looking for a LEX SAP Business Systems Analyst (WM/EWM) to support its global organization. This position will work with a  Bio-Rad colleagues and consulting team worldwide to design, configure, document and implement the warehouse and ...
BSA, Sr Staff 遠程 中層 2025-35901 Remote India Remote, India IT Bio-Rad is looking for a LEX SAP Business Systems Analyst (WM/EWM) to support its global organization. This position will work with a  Bio-Rad colleagues and consulting team worldwide to design, configure, document and implement the warehouse and ...



Furniture, Person, Table, Monitor, Electronics, Desk, Computer, Computer Keyboard, Mobile Phone, Hat
Adult, Male, Man, Person, Scientist, Accessories, Glasses, Face, Head, Shirt



Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Glove, Laboratory, Face, Head, Lab, Glasses
Person, Clothing, Apparel, Jacket, Coat, Man



Shelf, Person, Box, Female, Sleeve, Clothing, Carton, Cardboard, People




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