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Bio-Rad 的行政/运营

Bio-Rad 的行政和运营专业人员负责监督许多关键业务流程并执行各种办公任务,以确保我们业务的顺利运行。通过与全球各职能部门的同事合作,运营专业人员帮助改进我们的流程并制定战略,使我们的运营尽可能高效和有效。我们着眼于创新和卓越的客户服务,我们很自豪能够支持那些开发影响医疗保健和拯救生命的新技术、服务和解决方案的员工。

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Technical Training Administrator 远程 中级 2025-35982 California United States California, United States 行政/运营 The Technical Training Administrator collaborates with and supports the Global Commercial Operations Commercial Effectiveness team to ensure commercial training and communications are executed with the highest quality of customer service. Using yo...
Commercial Process Analyst 混合 中级 2025-36089 Feldkirchen Germany Feldkirchen, Germany 行政/运营 Bio-Rad is looking for a Commercial Process Analyst (f,m,d) - based in Feldkirchen, Munich area to support our Global Commercial Organisation in the regions of EMEA.   How You’ll Make an Impact: Validity and conformity check of commercial agre...
Contract Sales & Service Administrator 混合 入门级 2025-35927 Mississauga Ontario Canada Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 行政/运营 As the Contract Sales & Service Administrator for Bio-Rad Canada, you will offer service options and support to our Life Science Group customers nation-wide. You will collaborate with our service admin team and service reps to develop and direct i...



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Person, Clothing, Apparel, Jacket, Coat, Man



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