Person, Clinic, Hospital, Lab, Operating Theatre, Doctor

Introducing Bio-Rad's Global Supply Chain

Bio-Rad's Global Supply Chain is a diverse, multidisciplinary team responsible for getting Bio-Rad products into the hands of our customers. Our work encompasses a wide range of projects – from keeping operations running to critical processes like procurement, planning and logistics. As a team, we ensure customers around the globe receive the test kits, instruments, and consumable solutions needed to provide better healthcare and outcomes for their patients.   

Jennifer explains how the collaborative culture at Bio-Rad has helped her grow her career and develop high-quality products. 

We advance science and save lives, together.

Courtney는 Bio-Rad의 가장 중요한 진단 제품을 제조하는 데 따른 어려움에 대해 이야기합니다.

주요 글로벌 공급망 채용 정보

직책 직업의 중요성 업무 유형 법인 Experience Level Subscribe To Alerts 요청서 식별자 도시 상태 국가 위치 학과 범주 요약 고용 유형 수평
Supply Chain Planning Manager II 잡종 4 - Senior-Level / Manager 2025-35898 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 공급망 This Planning Manager will manage a planners team based in Hercules, CA, responsible for implementing Global Supply Chain Planning and Operations within the region. The Planning Manager will lead the supply planning and inventory management, partn...
Transportation Analyst (m/f/d) 잡종 3 - Mid-Level 2024-35526 Kabelsketal Sachsen-Anhalt Germany Kabelsketal, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany 공급망 The Transportation Analyst (m/f/d) will be responsible for optimizing transportation operations and analyzing transportation data to ensure cost-effective and efficient movement of goods. This role involves collaborating with cross-functional team...
Procurement Indirect Category Manager - Supplies & Services 잡종 4 - Senior-Level / Manager 2024-35539 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 공급망 Bio-Rad is looking for a Procurement Indirect Category Manager - Professional Services Manages a large group of diverse and high impact commodities spanning across multiple regions. May lead a team of Commodity Specialists. Negotiates key, lar...
Procurement Indirect Category Manager - IT 잡종 4 - Senior-Level / Manager 2024-35540 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 공급망 Bio-Rad is looking for a Procurement Indirect Category Manager - IT Manages a large group of diverse and high impact commodities spanning across multiple regions. May lead a team of Commodity Specialists. Negotiates key, large volume high impact...
Procurement Indirect Category Manager - Facilities & CapEx 잡종 4 - Senior-Level / Manager 2024-35541 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 공급망 Bio-Rad is looking for a Procurement Indirect Category Manager - Facilities & CapEX Manages a large group of diverse and high impact commodities spanning across multiple regions. May lead a team of Commodity Specialists. Negotiates key, large vo...
Supply Assurance Supervisor 필수(현장) 3 - Mid-Level 2024-34866.1 Irvine California United States Irvine, California, United States 공급망 As the Supply Assurance Supervisor, you will be responsible for leading a team of Supply Assurance Buyers to ensure the effective management of key suppliers and to drive improvements in delivery performance, product quality, and vendor relationsh...
Warehouse Assoc I 필수(현장) 3 - Mid-Level 2024-33555 MITRY MORY France MITRY MORY, France 공급망 Aperçu:    Rattaché(e) au Superviseur Distribution I du Service Préparation, vous êtes en charge d’assurer la réception, le stockage et les sorties de matières premières, articles de conditionnement et produits finis de diagnostic et de sciences...
Acheteur Indirect IT / Consulting H/F 잡종 3 - Mid-Level 2024-35437 MARNES-LA-COQUETTE France MARNES-LA-COQUETTE, France 공급망 Bio-Rad recherche un Acheteur Indirect sur son site de Marnes-la-Coquette (92)   Rattaché(e) au Responsable Achats Indirect EMEA, vous serez chargé de déployer la stratégie Achats au niveau EMEA, d'effectuer les achats de votre périmètre IT/Pres...

의미있는 영향

우리는 과학의 경계를 넓히고 전 세계 사람들이 더 오래, 더 건강한 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 이 사명은 우리 모두가 매일 노력하는 것이며, 우리의 업무를 안내하고 전 세계 팀에 활력을 불어넣습니다.

Person, Face
Person, Clinic, Hospital, Lab, Operating Theatre, Doctor

직원 경험

동료들과 협력하고 혁신하여 결과를 도출하고 과제를 해결하는 방식을 변화시키는 동시에 매일 더 나은 성과를 내기 위해 서로를 격려하는 하나의 글로벌 팀의 일원으로 일합니다.

Laboratory, Clothing, Glove, Tape, Person, Head, Face
Clothing, Glove, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Male, Man, Face, Head
Furniture, Person, Table, Monitor, Electronics, Desk, Computer, Computer Keyboard, Mobile Phone, Hat

경력 구성 요소

목적과 영향력을 갖춘 경력을 쌓는 우리의 전통은 현재와 미래의 야망을 지원할 수 있는 도구, 경험 및 유연성을 제공하는 것에서 시작됩니다. 위험을 감수하고 회사의 미래와 경력을 변화시키는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 자유를 누려보세요.

Adult, Male, Man, Person, Laboratory, Glasses, Face, Head, Glove, Scientist

인재 네트워크에 가입하세요

인재 네트워크에 가입하여 새로운 채용 정보와 독점 콘텐츠에 대해 가장 먼저 들어보세요.

너 말고?
