Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is a continuous effort that enhances the engagement, retention, and productivity of individuals and teams. Having an inclusive and diverse work environment broadens perspectives that make Bio-Rad stronger, more innovative, and resilient.
Our evolving D&I program provides an opportunity to attract and retain good talent. Hiring people from all backgrounds is critically important at Bio-Rad, as diverse skillsets and perspectives help enhance and grow our business.
Kashika Kailani
Sr. Accountant, Finance
Becoming a new parent is a significant transition, both personally and professionally. Initially filled with excitement and apprehension, I found my return to work remarkably smooth, thanks to the incredible support system within our organization. The flexibility and understanding extended to me, from adjusting my schedule to offering a listening ear, reaffirmed my confidence in our team's commitment to a supportive and inclusive work environment.
Balancing the demands of parenthood with professional responsibilities is challenging, but I am immensely grateful for the resources and accommodations provided by Bio-Rad. Access to parental leave and flexible work arrangements has empowered me to prioritize both my family and my career. I am comforted knowing I have the unwavering support of my Bio-Rad family every step of the way.
I sincerely appreciate the continued support and understanding from everyone in my organization. Together, we have created a workplace culture that values empathy, inclusivity, and support, and I am honored to be a part of it.
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