Adult, Male, Man, Person, Conversation, Head, Monitor, Screen, Face, Coat

Bio-Rad 的法律/合规部门

Bio-Rad 的法律和合规团队提供必要的专业知识、经验和领导力,以确保 Bio-Rad 遵守管理我们运营的所有当地和联邦法律。我们密切关注最新技术和工艺,提供一流的法律服务和见解,满足我们整个业务中各个合作伙伴的不同需求。每天,我们都为能够支持我们的员工和我们共同的使命而感到自豪,共同推进科学并拯救生命。

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Attorney (Intellectual Property Counsel) 混合 中级 2024-35003 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 合法合规 Bio-Rad Laboratories is looking for an in-house corporate intellectual property counsel to support its global Life Sciences Group. This position reports to the VP, Asst. General Counsel Intellectual Property. How You’ll Make An Impact:  Develop...
Senior Compliance Specialist 混合 高层 / 经理 2024-35530.1 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 合法合规 The Senior Compliance Specialist is responsible for (i) the maintenance and administration of compliance platforms, (ii) compiling compliance statistics and identifying trends, (iii) executing Bio-Rad’s Spend Transparency and Conflicts of Interest...
Manufacturing Doc Specialist II Hot Job 必备(现场) 中级 2025-35951 Hercules California United States Hercules, California, United States 合法合规 ***This position will require part-time work in Richmond, CA, in addition to working in Hercules, CA***  A typical day will consist of creating/revising production, QC, dispensing, and packaging procedures. Creating/revising Material Specificatio...



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Adult, Male, Man, Person, Scientist, Accessories, Glasses, Face, Head, Shirt



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Person, Clothing, Apparel, Jacket, Coat, Man



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